Axiom_Arachis_58K is a high-density SNP array with 58,233 SNPs reduced from 163,782 SNPs derived from DNA resequencing and RNA-sequencing of 41 groundnut accessions and wild diploid ancestors.
Genome Assembly 2 for A. ipaensis K30076. A high-quality chromosome-scale assembly, based on PacBio RSII and Sequel reads, ordered into pseudomolecules by Dovetail using Hi-C Chicago libraries and the HiRise and SNAP.
GenBank RefSeq annotation for Genome assembly 1 for Arachis stenosperma, genotype V10309
Genomes | Transcriptomes | QTL | Repeats | Maps
This is a test page, work in progress.
Data Store
Trait data
peanut traits defined by PeanutBase:, Use and development of formal ontologies are essential. We are working with other legume communities to create a consistent trait terminology, using specialized terms for peanut where necessary. This will enable PeanutBase to integrate with trait information for multiple legume species available at is external) and other plant genetic databases. Peanut QTL data are collected from published resources; we then apply our standard trait terminology and definitions before presentation on the site. We have made the evolving trait terminology available for download as an excel spreadsheet.
BurowStarr2014.xls:, The QTL dataset associated with 'Burow, Star et al., 2014a'.
CavalcanteMoretzsohn2014.xls:, The QTL dataset associated with 'Cavalcante, Moretzsohn et al., 2014a'.